Jean Drapeau gave the world many wonderful gifts. In my mind, the roofline of the Tour de Montreal is one of those gifts.
What fascinates me most about the Tour de Montreal and the buildings nearby is what it would be like if it were raining? In my mind, I imagine that roofs channel large amounts of runoff into huge cascades. Sadly, I cannot recall visiting Montreal in the rain.
From the only roll of Ektar that has ever left me feeing unsatisfied.
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Like the first one.
I’ve never seen this building in person, but it seems you captured its essence perfectly here. I love the lines and curves in the last two, and the simple, almost abstract composition of the first. If this is an unsatisfying roll for you, I can’t wait to see the rest of the stuff you have yet to post.
I think I was mostly unsatisfied with the lab that I used for this role. In the two other situations I have used ektar, I was blown away but in this case, Ektar didn’t really knock my socks off.